The Project is a Powerful Bootstrap Template with Multi-Concept .
It has endless posibilities and It is perfectly suitable for Business,
Portfolio, Personal, Agency, Corporate, Clinic/Hospital, Restaurant,
Wedding, Landing, Shop, Blog.
- 170+ HTML files
- Revolution Slider ($14 - included)
- 18 Home Pages (Corporate, Medical, Restaurant, Shop, Wedding, Landing and more...)
- 12 Header Options (Transparent, Offcanvas, Colored, Logo Centered, Full Width etc)
- HTML email templates (14 color variations)
- 14 Predifined Skins (less files included so that you can build your own in a minute)
- 6 Footer Options
- Ecommerce Pages ( 2 Home pages, Product Listing pages, Product page, Cart and Checkout pages)
- One Page Version
- Coming Soon Page + Countdown
- Working AJAX/PHP contact form
- Wide and Boxed Layout Styles
- Full Width, Full Screen and Boxed Width Slideshow
- Video Background
- Dark/Light Header
- Dark/Light Footer
- Optional fixed navbar (Sticky navbar)
- Isotope Filtering
- Font Icons (Fontawesome, Fontello and Glyphicons)
- Text Rotators
- Graphs/Charts
- Tons of Components
- Reusable elements
- 100% Responsive
- Crossbrowser
- Multiple Pricing Tables
- Google Map
- Parallax
- Content Slider
- Very Flexible
- Well Documented
- W3C Validated
- After Sale Support
And many more