Metronic - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template is the ultimate bootstrap admin theme framework for next generation applications, trusted by over 50,000 developers world wide
Powerful Framework:
Everything within Metronic is customizable globally to provide limitless unique styled projects
Multi Demo:
Choose a perfect design for your next project among hundreds of demos
Limitless Components:
A huge collection of components to power your application with the latest UI/UX trands
Angular4 Support:
Enterprise ready Angular 5 integration with built-in authentication module and many more
Bootstrap 4:
Metronic deeply customizes Bootstrap with native look and feel
Exclusive Datatable Plugin:
Our super sleek and intuitive Datatable comes packed with all advanced CRUD features
50,000+ Strong:
Metronic is the only theme trusted by over 50,000 developers world wide
Continuous Updates:
Lifetime updates with new demos and features is guaranteed
Quality Code:
Metronic is writer with a code structure that all developers will be able to pick up easily and fall in love