Bootstrap snippet and html example. Animated Testimonial Slider

This html snippet was created to help web designers, web developers, front-end and back-end developer save time. Use it for free in your project and build your app faster, You can also download the HTML, CSS, and JS code.
Tags: slider,testimonial

HTML code

This is the html code used to create this bootstrap snippet, You can copy and paste the following html code inside a page with bootstrap 4.5.0 included, to get the result that you can see in the preview selection

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<section class="testimonial-section">
	<div class="large-container">
		<div class="sec-title">
			<span class="title">Testimonial</span>
			<h2>What Our core client say ?</h2>

		<div class="testimonial-carousel owl-carousel owl-theme">
			<div class="testimonial-block">
				<div class="inner-box">
					<div class="text">Why is this important? Because clients want to know the businesses they depend on for advice, are well managed in their own right.  Not only that but this event gives you the chance to give your back-office team</div>
					<div class="info-box">
						<div class="thumb"><img src="" alt=""></div>
						<h4 class="name">Mahfuz Riad</h4>
						<span class="designation">Ui Designer & CEO</span>

			<div class="testimonial-block">
				<div class="inner-box">
					<div class="text">Why is this important? Because clients want to know the businesses they depend on for advice, are well managed in their own right.  Not only that but this event gives you the chance to give your back-office team</div>
					<div class="info-box">
						<div class="thumb"><img src="" alt=""></div>
						<h4 class="name">Mahfuz Riad</h4>
						<span class="designation">Ui Designer & CEO</span>

			<div class="testimonial-block">
				<div class="inner-box">
					<div class="text">Why is this important? Because clients want to know the businesses they depend on for advice, are well managed in their own right.  Not only that but this event gives you the chance to give your back-office team</div>
					<div class="info-box">
						<div class="thumb"><img src="" alt=""></div>
						<h4 class="name">Mahfuz Riad</h4>
						<span class="designation">Ui Designer & CEO</span>
<script src=""></script>

CSS code

This is the css code used to create this bootstrap snippet, You can copy and paste the following css code inside a page with bootstrap 4.5.0 included, to get the result that you can see in the preview selection

.fa-spin {
  -webkit-animation: fa-spin 2s infinite linear;
          animation: fa-spin 2s infinite linear; }

.fa-pulse {
  -webkit-animation: fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8);
          animation: fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8); }

@-webkit-keyframes fa-spin {
  0% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
            transform: rotate(0deg); }
  100% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
            transform: rotate(360deg); } }

@keyframes fa-spin {
  0% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
            transform: rotate(0deg); }
  100% {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);
            transform: rotate(360deg); } }
.large-container {
    position: static;
    max-width: 1580px;
    padding: 0px 30px;
    margin: 0 auto;

    position: relative;
	padding-top: 80px;
	padding-bottom: 210px;

	position: absolute;
	left: -200px;
	top: 22%;
	background-image: url(;
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-position: center;
	width: 701px;
	height: 756px;
	content: "";
	-webkit-animation: fa-spin 25s infinite alternate;
	-moz-animation: fa-spin 25s infinite alternate;
	-ms-animation: fa-spin 25s infinite alternate;
	-o-animation: fa-spin 25s infinite alternate;
	animation: fa-spin 25s infinite alternate;

.testimonial-section .sec-title{
	position: relative;
	margin-bottom: 115px;

.testimonial-section .sec-title .title{
	margin-bottom: 20px;

.testimonial-section .testimonial-carousel{
	position: relative;
	max-width: 1100px;
	margin: 0 -50px;

	position: relative;
	padding: 50px;

.testimonial-block .inner-box{
	padding: 80px 105px;
	box-shadow: 0 0 50px rgba(226,222,232,0.75);

.testimonial-block .text{
	position: relative;
	display: block;
	font-size: 18px;
	line-height: 32px;
	color: #282331;
	font-weight: 400;
	margin-bottom: 50px;
	font-family: "Muli", sans-serif;

.testimonial-block .info-box{
	position: relative;
	padding-left: 115px;
	padding-top: 10px;

.testimonial-block .info-box .thumb{
	position: absolute;
	left: 0;
	top: 0;
	height: 82px;
	width: 82px;

.testimonial-block .info-box .thumb img{
	border: 6px solid #e5e6fa;
	border-radius: 50%;
	overflow: hidden;
	display: block;
	width: 100%;
	box-shadow: 0 45px 45px rgba(147,147,147,0.35);

.testimonial-block .info-box .name{
	position: relative;
	display: block;
	font-size: 21px;
	line-height: 1.2em;
	color: #382c4d;
	font-weight: 700;
	margin-bottom: 10px;
	font-family: "Niramit", sans-serif;

.testimonial-block .info-box .designation{
	position: relative;
	display: block;
	font-size: 16px;
	line-height: 24px;
	color: #8053f7;
	font-weight: 400;
	font-family: "Muli", sans-serif;

.testimonial-carousel .owl-nav{
	position: absolute;
    right: 75px;
    bottom: 70px;

.testimonial-carousel .owl-next,
.testimonial-carousel .owl-prev{
	position: relative;
	display: inline-block;
	height: 75px;
	width: 75px;
	line-height: 75px;
	text-align: center;
	border-radius: 50%;
	-webkit-transition: all 300ms ease;
	-moz-transition: all 300ms ease;
	-ms-transition: all 300ms ease;
	-o-transition: all 300ms ease;
	transition: all 300ms ease;

.testimonial-carousel .owl-next:hover,
.testimonial-carousel .owl-prev:hover{
	box-shadow: 0 24px 24px rgba(187,187,187,.75);

	position: relative;
	display: inline-block;
	height: 9px;
	width: 43px;
	background-image: url(;
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-position: center;

	background-image: url(;

.testimonial-section .thumb-layer{
    position: absolute;
    right: 30px;
    top: 120px;

.testimonial-section .thumb-layer .image{
	position: relative;
	margin-right: 0;

.testimonial-section .thumb-layer .image img{
	display: inline-block;
	max-width: 100%;
	height: auto;

Javascript/Jquery code

This is the javascript code used to create this bootstrap snippet, You can copy and paste the following javascript code inside a page with bootstrap 4.5.0 included, to get the result that you can see in the preview selection

(function($) {
	"use strict";
	//Hide Loading Box (Preloader)
	function handlePreloader() {
	//Update Header Style and Scroll to Top
	function headerStyle() {
			var windowpos = $(window).scrollTop();
			var siteHeader = $('.main-header');
			var scrollLink = $('.scroll-to-top');
			if (windowpos >= 1) {
			} else {
	//Submenu Dropdown Toggle
	if($('.main-header li.dropdown ul').length){
		$('.main-header li.dropdown').append('<div class="dropdown-btn"><span class="fa fa-angle-down"></span></div>');
		//Dropdown Button
		$('.main-header li.dropdown .dropdown-btn').on('click', function() {
		//Disable dropdown parent link
		$('.main-header .navigation li.dropdown > a,.hidden-bar .side-menu li.dropdown > a').on('click', function(e) {

	//Side Content Toggle
	if($('.main-header .outer-box .nav-btn').length){
		//Show Form
		$('.main-header .outer-box .nav-btn').on('click', function(e) {
		//Hide Form
		$('.hidden-bar .inner-box .cross-icon,.form-back-drop,.close-menu').on('click', function(e) {
		//Dropdown Menu
		$('.fullscreen-menu .navigation li.dropdown > a').on('click', function() {

		//Hidden Sidebar
	if ($('.hidden-bar').length) {

	// Testimonial Carousel
	if ($('.testimonial-carousel').length) {
			animateOut: 'slideOutDown',
		    animateIn: 'zoomIn',
			smartSpeed: 300,
			autoplay: 7000,
			navText: [ '<span class="arrow-left"></span>', '<span class="arrow-right"></span>' ],

	//Fact Counter + Text Count
			var $t = $(this),
				n = $t.find(".count-text").attr("data-stop"),
				r = parseInt($t.find(".count-text").attr("data-speed"), 10);
			if (!$t.hasClass("counted")) {
					countNum: $t.find(".count-text").text()
					countNum: n
				}, {
					duration: r,
					easing: "linear",
					step: function() {
					complete: function() {
		},{accY: 0});

	//Accordion Box
		$(".accordion-box").on('click', '.acc-btn', function() {
			var outerBox = $(this).parents('.accordion-box');
			var target = $(this).parents('.accordion');
				$(outerBox).find('.accordion .acc-btn').removeClass('active');
			if ($(this).next('.acc-content').is(':visible')){
				return false;
	//Tabs Box
		$('.tabs-box .tab-buttons .tab-btn').on('click', function(e) {
			var target = $($(this).attr('data-tab'));
			if ($(target).is(':visible')){
				return false;
				target.parents('.tabs-box').find('.tabs-content').find('.tab').removeClass('active-tab animated fadeIn');
				$(target).addClass('active-tab animated fadeIn');

	//Default Masonary
	function defaultMasonry() {
			var winDow = $(window);
			// Needed variables
			var $container=$('.masonry-items-container');
				itemSelector: '.masonry-item',
				 masonry: {
					columnWidth :2
			winDow.on('resize', function(){

					itemSelector: '.masonry-item',
					animationOptions: {
						duration: 500,
						easing	: 'linear',
						queue	: false

	//Gallery Filters
	//LightBox / Fancybox
	if($('.lightbox-image').length) {
			openEffect  : 'fade',
			closeEffect : 'fade',
			helpers : {
				media : {}
	//Contact Form Validation
			rules: {
				username: {
					required: true
				email: {
					required: true,
					email: true
				phone: {
					required: true
				message: {
					required: true
	// Scroll to a Specific Div
		$(".scroll-to-target").on('click', function() {
			var target = $(this).attr('data-target');
		   // animate
		   $('html, body').animate({
			   scrollTop: $(target).offset().top
			 }, 1500);

			  factor: 0.05,            // multiplier for scrolling speed and offset, +- values for direction control  
			  factorLg: 0.05,          // multiplier for scrolling speed and offset if window width is less than 1200px, +- values for direction control  
			  type: 'foreground',     // background, foreground  
			  direction: 'horizontal' // vertical, horizontal  

		    $('[data-countdown]').each(function() {
		   var $this = $(this), finalDate = $(this).data('countdown');
		   $this.countdown(finalDate, function(event) {
		     $this.html(event.strftime('%D days %H:%M:%S'));

	   $('.cs-countdown').countdown('').on('update.countdown', function(event) {
		  var $this = $(this).html(event.strftime('<div class="count-col"><span>%m</span><h6>Months</h6></div> <div class="count-col"><span>%D</span><h6>days</h6></div> <div class="count-col"><span>%H</span><h6>Hours</h6></div> <div class="count-col"><span>%M</span><h6>Minutes</h6></div> <div class="count-col"><span>%S</span><h6>Seconds</h6></div>'));
	// Elements Animation
		var wow = new WOW(
			boxClass:     'wow',      // animated element css class (default is wow)
			animateClass: 'animated', // animation css class (default is animated)
			offset:       0,          // distance to the element when triggering the animation (default is 0)
			mobile:       true,       // trigger animations on mobile devices (default is true)
			live:         true       // act on asynchronously loaded content (default is true)

/* ==========================================================================
   When document is Scrollig, do
   ========================================================================== */
	$(window).on('scroll', function() {
/* ==========================================================================
   When document is loading, do
   ========================================================================== */
	$(window).on('load', function() {


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About this bootstrap example/template

We hope you will enjoy this awesome snippet and stay tuned for the latest updates, bootdey snippets are already used in thousands of blogs, websites and projects. We believe it will save your precious time and gives trendy look to your next web project.

We always try to offer the best beautiful and responsive source of Bootstrap code examples and components.

This code example currectly have 8.8K views, Using this bootstrap snippet you have the following benefits:

Bootstrap 4.5.0

<link rel='stylesheet' href='[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'>

<script src='[email protected]/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js'></script>

This code example is based on bootstrap 4.5.0 and the grid system of this framework


Based on bootstrap framework makes all the layouts perfectly responsive for all devices

Crossbrowser compatibility

Tested on all major browsers, it works smoothly on all of them

Jquery plugins

Great built-in plugins with jquery framework, you can easy to change all declarations

semantic html 5

Built on html / css3 the code quality is really amazing

Simple Integration

This code example can be simply integrated on existing sites and new ones too, all you need to do is copy the code and start working